Ini materi kuliah Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak yang diasuh Pak Budiono Mismail. Sebetulnya problematik juga upload karena lisensi dokumen yang kurang jelas, tapi berhubung sudah banyak dokumen yang 404 di website Pak Ian Sommerville (maklum dokumen tahun 2004). Saya kira lisensi Creative Common by-nc-nd tepat untuk dokumen ini, kalau ada pihak yang kurang berkenan saya dengan tangan terbuka siap meralat content yang ada.
An Introduction to Software Engineering
Socio-technical Systems
Critical Systems
Software Processes
Project Management
Software Requirements
Requirements Engineering Processes
System Models
Critical Systems Specification
Formal Specification
Architectural Design
Distributed Systems Architectures
Application Architectures
Object-oriented Design
Real-time Software Design
User Interface Design
Rapid Software Development
Software Reuse
Component-based Software Engineering
Critical Systems Development
Software Evolution
Verification and Validation
Software Testing
Critical Systems Validation
Managing People
Software Cost Estimation
Quality Management
Process Improvement
Configuration Management
Security Engineering
Service-centric Software Engineering
Aspect-oriented Software Development
**This is what will take you to (software) system analyst, bot not software engineering I've been thingking about, not even a coding exist here, no compiler design, insctruction set compilation, VHDL stuff, or such. :(
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